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Baptism- St. George's Roman Catholic Church Maghull


"Baptism now saves you—not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an appeal to God for a good conscience—through the resurrection of Jesus Christ"

(1 Peter 3:21)

What is Baptism?

Baptism has been used as a rite of initiation and a  sign of repentance and renewal since before the earliest Christians – Jesus himself was baptised in the River Jordan by John the Baptist (Mark 1:1-13).  Through the Sacrament of Baptism all sins are forgiven.  Baptism makes us adopted sons and daughters of God and we join the world-wide family of Christians and become members of the Church.  We can then receive the other sacraments and be helped to grow in our Christian life by learning from the Word of God , prayer and meeting with others in the Christian community.


Usually, Catholic families arrange to have their children baptised while very young, but you can be baptised at any age.  Parents and those seeking baptism are asked to attend a short course, to help them understand the meaning of baptism, after which a date is chosen on which the baptism can be celebrated.

If you would like to be baptised and become a member of our Catholic community, or you want your child to be baptised, please contact the parish office here (link).

The Baptism Programme for May is now fully booked. The next Baptismal Programme will run in Septemer / October. If you would like to take part in this please complete the contact form below


Are you looking for a baptism? 

Get in touch so we can arrange one for you!

Thanks for submitting!

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