Spring Art Workshop
With the success of the Wednesday morning craft sessions, Cath Woods will be leading a Spring Art Workshop on Saturday 15th February.
The first Saturday workshop of 2025 will take place in the Parish Centre. It will start at 2:00pm and finish at 4:00pm All materials will be provided, no experience is necessary, all abilities are welcome and we will create an item that you will be able to take away with you.

Fabric Wreath and
Abstract Embroidery

Clay Work
Light refreshments tea, coffee and cake will be available
The cost is £5 If you are interested is taking part or want more information contact Cath Woods on 0151 287 9062 or if you would rather email use the email stgeorgesweb@yahoo.com and your message will be forwarded to Cath.
Cath has a wealth of experience which she continues to share with the Parish, bringing people together for shared crafting experience.
Thanks Cath for all you do.